About Me Pages: About Alexius71 (2)
I don't do things by halves! I used to collect beer bottle caos and collected over 6000 different caps with around 50,000 on hand for trading with ther collectors around the world. I moved on to Hotwheels car, only cars that represented real world vehicles and again got up around the 6000 different item mark. Lego has been a constant in my life for over 40 years, I often get the latest Modular building for Christmas and give lego flowers, insects etc to my wife & daughters as gifts. My wife is head of special education in our region and her office has almost every flower set Lego has produced. The kids are amazed when they visit! I am not new to selling Lego and have been on Ebay for over 21 years, their fees are getting crazy and charging a percentage of postage charges really hurts the bottom line. I am yet to open my store and transitioned from being self emplayed in another field when my hip gaeway and needed replacement. I can sort and list lego while seated and I do most of my purchasing online. I plan to open when I hit 1/2 million parts, no reason really just getting systems inplace in the meantime. I'm in my early 50's and hammered my joints with labouring work and weightlingting in my youth. I'm now waiting for my other hip to be replaced along with continuing carpel tunnel issues despite having the surgery on both wrists. I will only sell NEW lego and my collection is stored upstairs so it will never "contaminate" my inventory with used parts. I'm hoping to produce a little income from this venture while immersing myself more in the LEGO community. Cheers from Australia, Alex. By the way in Australia we call a bricklayer's asistant a "brickies labourer" he runs around making sure the qualified builder has everything he needs to keep building.
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