About Me Pages: About Grunnsteamer (177)
2019 (december)

After closing my little shop in 2017, I opened it again. Did I fall back to the 'dark ages' the last few years? NO, definitely not!! I fact, as for now, the love for LEGO has never been bigger. The reason? Well, my little boy will turn 7 years old next year and his love for LEGO brings me back to my childhood. He really liks building complex models with instructions which are meant for children much older than he is. But more importantly, he digs building his own creations. I'm a proud and happy father!

The benefits of having a child who's in love with LEGO are the revelations of looking at LEGO in a different way..... despite my love of huge LEGO sets on display at our home, it turns out LEGO is still a toy :-) . Also, my little boy talks only about NINJAGO so I learned to appreciate the more complex models of NINJAGO. That will bring us back to the reason of re-opening my shop again....it's a joined venture. My son builds the sets, I hopefully sell them in order to buy, eventually, the (huge) sets we desire. For now, enjoy LEGO!!


Born in the early seventies, I grew up with all the classic LEGO sets....which I didn't get from my parents. Highschool in the eighties, University in the nineties, workingman in the zero's and beyond I forgot all about the beauty of LEGO. Until the birth of my son almost two years ago. Buying LEGO PRIMO at first and LEGO DUPLO at the moment, I rediscovered the endless possibilities LEGO gives us. And now, after a few decades, I'm slowly trying to get all the sets I craved for, finally! Buying LEGO and making it complete, after that the difficult decisionmaking begins. Which set to keep for my little boy or myself, and which one to sell in order to make some money so I can buy.....more LEGO. Well, you get the picture.

Thank you for stopping by at Brick Bubbles. If you want you can read the splash page to learn some more about Brick Bubbles. Have fun searching & collecting LEGO!

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