About Me Pages: About WillemJan (511)
Born in 1970 i got my first sets in about 1977, my best time came when i got my first Classic Space sets. The crown was a 924 i bought my self with money earned and given on my birthday. This and all the sets of my childhood are still in my collection. In 2013 i started to build again after a visit to Legoland Germany. It also was the starting point for my wife to get interested in Lego. She never had any as a kid. I now have almost all the Classic Space and Futuron Sets, incl the hard to find sets. My wife is all Christmas sets. Hope you find what you need in my little shop. I take pride in the fact i'm a perfectionist and try to sent out the sets and pieces as good , clean end shiny as i can. I Always ask myself if i would be happy with a set or bricks as i unpack them. Our Bricklink shop is only there to support our own lego needs, not to get rich.
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