Catalog Logs: Catalog Change Log: Changes By braten1 (425)Help on Catalog Change Request
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 Aug 4, 2023
Gear Tinemug1 Cup / Mug Tine Milk: braten1 (425)
    Pending ApprovalChange Year Released from {0} to {1999}
Note: It was relased the same year as set 1029, both the set and the mug was available to order trough a cataloge called "Bli Tryggere i Traffiken" a collaboration between Lego, Tine and Trygg Trafikk. The cataloge was given out to kids at the school. But Lego also had advertisments on Tine's Milk cartongs the same year.
 Apr 14, 2023
Catalog c90eut1 1990 Medium Technic / Model Team European (113580/113680-EU I (DK/N/S/SF)): braten1 (425)
    CompletedChanged Language to {DA,NO,SV,FI}